Jane’s Doodles Blog Hop – Easter! » Simple By Design

Hi Everyone! I hope that you have all enjoyed the day..today is a bittersweet moment for me, for one we are here to celebrate the new release of stamps from Jane’s Doodles, but this will also be my last posting for them also, if you have been following my blog you would have read that I have been trying to rearrange things in my life due to family issues. I won’t say that I will not return to Jane’s Doodles but for now it is time for me to stand down and take a little time out..but for sure I will be checking in on what the fabulous DT make each week.

So without further ado, lets get this show on the road, if you have arrived here from uber talented and super sweet Mariana then you have arrived a the right spot, if not check back at Jane’s Blog as she will have the master list.

Speaking on Mariana, I have the great pleasure to announce here on my blog that this girl can not only ROCK out her card designs, but she also with her Graphics background design stamp sets and well you guessed she has now joined the design team on Jane’s Doodles and what a cutie is her very first set below, I cannot wait to see what else she creates in the future…

These other two adorable sets Jane herself designed and aren’t these just the sweetest…

Be sure to comment along the blog hop on everyone’s blog for a chance to win these stamp sets.

I have one other bit of news to include here, Tooth Fairy Klara was originally designed as a digital stamp which you can still purchase in the shop for $3, for each stamp sold a $1 from that sale goes towards a fabulous cause called Caylins Cure. Kristina Proffitt is the mother of the most adorable little girl that was diagnosed at the age of 5 with Type 1 Diabetes, the proceeds from all stamps sold of Tooth Fairy Klara will go towards the cause, to raise awareness.

Kristina will be joining us along the blog hop, there will be two other guest designers as well which are Kathy Racoosin and Teri Anderson.

Now onto my cards, I won’t go into detail as I feel that they speak for themselves and well lets face it this post is quite long..LOL but if you need to know anything just ask away, plus there will be links at the bottom of the post as to what I used to create these cards..

The next stop on the blog hop is the inspiring and amazing talented Aga

I hope that you are enjoying hoping around seeing all the amazing creations, I know I cannot wait to see what everyone has created.

I will be back here tomorrow with an update on the flood situation along with some photos that my man Darryl took for me. Just know that we are safe and sound so far 🙂

Have a wonderful day!
