MFT Sketch 174! » Simple By Design

Happy Sunday!

Been rather a quiet weekend here at the cottage, with very cold weather, we have spent a lot of time indoors, not that I am complaining…

Oddly enough I haven’t actually done much crafting either, which is so strange on a weekend like this, but I suppose having the downtime and just making sure that I am fully recovered from the rotten bug is just as good 🙂

I did however create a card for this weeks sketch over at MFT…this took me quite out of the comfort zone and I think the more you look at a creation the more you over think and begin to not like what you create, so hence I put it down, photographed and well yep here I am blogging it 🙂

I chose to open my pack of card stock sampler that I purchased from MFT and create a cute camera, instagram design, adding a Bokeh design background on the coloured card stock..

Quite a simple layout, with die cuts of cameras, stamping and loads of dimension..

Next, to get the thinking cap on what to create for the Colour Challenge

Have a great Sunday night!
