Olidie but Goodie! » Simple By Design


Well I survived my first day back at work, but secretly still wishing I did not have to return 🙂 but don’t we all 🙂

On my last day of holidays, I decided to just sit and play, forget deadlines for once and just pull out some older stamps that really have not had too much attention, I think with the way the crafting industry moving so fast these days and new products constantly hitting the shelves we purchase and then forget to go back and play with older products in our rooms..

I pulled out some Hero Arts goodies and using the technique that Lisa Spangler shared, the weathered woodgrain look, I went to town with some stamping a background of Falling Snowflakes (unfortunately I am not sure you can still purchase this stamp) I embossed it and layered the distress stains over the top to give the worn woodgrain look..so much fun!

I also used distress stain to give the Christmas tree a really quick colour, trimming it out and adding a sparkly snowflake, sentiment and some twine, adding it to a Kraft card that I stamped with Unicorn white ink..

I love the woodgrain technique and know that I will be using this in the future..

Okay, I am off to tend to a not so happy puppy, we had to take Roly boy to the vets yesterday, he was salivating badly and vomiting loads, poor thing, we thought something may have lodged inside his mouth, but the vet said that he could not see anything and rather then putting him under to have a look, lets just keep and eye on him over the next couple of days and let nature takes it’s course..he said like us humans we need to get rid off the nasty bug that is inside us..he is off his food, which is to be expected and quite exhausted, so I think he needs some cuddle time..

Have a great day!
