Neon Skyline! » Simple By Design


It seems all good things come to those that wait, I have waited and saved for a new lens, this little baby..

I cannot tell you how delighted I am and only wished that I had purchased this a lot earlier..WOW! it is amazing the difference to my normal lens..seeing as it only arrived today, I will be playing around lots with it and trying to capture better photos of my cards..

This one I captured with just the sunlight coming through the french doors in our dining room and have to say am pretty happy with it, but as I said will continue to play..

I just had to create with black and neon, they just seem to work well as a family.

Gotta love that Triangle stencil from Kelly Purkey, perfect addition to the Solid Skyline from MFT..

Hope you all have great plans for today, for me, I have not ventured to far from the bed, to the shower to now the lounge chair..feeling as though it will be a sluggy day all round..

Enjoy the day!
