MLS – Make Live Share! » Simple By Design

Hi there

So I am currently sitting in Bairnsdale, Victoria on a crafty weekend away, with a fabulous view and fabulous peeps..

Seeing as it is a crafty kind of retreat, I decided it was time to create something for the new team that I have joined, Richard Garay’s Make Amazing, the idea for this blog post is one of sharing..

Each week if you follow along Richard’s Make Live Share and blog, generally each Monday he shares creations mainly in the gift style creating as opposed to creating cards..

So my project and first blog post, was to find a video on the MLS and try to recreate something that Richard has created, I chose THIS pinwheel that he added to a gift box..

Loving the pinwheel type feature, I chose to add it to a bag and jazz up a brown paper bag to be gifted to one of my friends that I am currently away with..

Choosing pattern paper that was double sided and following the instructions on the MLS blog I went about creating the fun pinwheel..I added thread to the centre and a pearl to match the centre of Richard’s pinwheel..

Richard created a belly ban around his gift box using washi tape, I chose to use more pattern paper and finishing off by adding a sentiment and a scattering of pearls..

The gift of giving is always important, I always feel the gift that has been handmade is even more you can see I chose to gift this to my friend Teresa, who was delighted to receive…(for me this is a rare photo as I hate being in front of the camera)..

If you haven’t had a chance to check out MLS just click HERE for more info..

Thanks for stopping by today..
