Letterpress Love! » Simple By Design

Hello and happy Friday!

Quite the lazy day happening at the cottage, off to craft shortly, have ideas running through the head that certainly need to come out on paper, one of which is finally attempting my first page in my Art Journal, may even take some photos along the way to share with you all..

So you may ask why the title of my post today, well EXCITEMENT plus is happening over at Studio CalicoLetterpress will be hitting the store very soon, you may even notice that it is in store for you all to view, but sadly not to purchase just yet…so keep an eye out for that happening..

If you are like me I have a pitter patter heart thing going on for Letterpress, the elegance it brings to a project and not to mention the fact that it just looks so darn fun to play with…


Lifestyle Crafts has made that easy for us crafters, with the ability of using your very own die cutting machine, either Cuttlebug, Vagabond, Big Shot or even the Epic and a Letterpress starter kit to create Letterpress in your very own craft room..

I cannot begin to tell you how flipping excited I am that Studio Calico will now be stocking THIS and what is even better, they have produced their own plates that can be used as well…are your ears pricked up now 🙂

The fabulous Tina Aszmus and some very talented crafty members will also be running an online class in September..

Want to know more information about the online class and what goodies you will get once you sign up, check it out HERE…hurry though…here is something else that may entice you, the kit will be shipped free to you no matter where you live..be sure to read all about it..

I cannot wait to get my supplies and start creating up a storm 🙂 Christmas cards this year I think maybe some Letterpress happening..

Have a great day!
