Gossamer Blue February Kit Shares! » Simple By Design


Are you all having a great day? It will be a quiet day here at the cottage, still receiving rather hot weather and I am counting the weeks down to Autumn..

I figure with the hot heat there may be some time to sneak away and go create in the craft room, doing something always distracts me from the heat…

Before I head off to do so, I wanted to start sharing my creations for February using the Gossamer Blue kits..

Sharing 2 cards today, these were both created using the main scrapbook kit…

I love cameras and circles and well of course collaging bits and pieces together..

This second card, I went with more of a retro card, the designs of pattern paper in this months reminded me of the days when I was a kid, now that is starting to show my age LOL…but I remember those days where we all owned the brown box TV, who is with me? Can you remember those days?

Well I will be back again soon, to share the rest of my creations using the kits for this month, these kits are full of fun to create, I urge you to go check them out HERE..

Have a fabulous day and create like no mans business 🙂
