hello! » Simple By Design

This is where I share my crafty passions, my photos and bits and pieces of my life..

When I craft I love to use lots of white, it is my go to colour I love the feel of space and clean and simple design, which I try to use most often.. In saying that I do love to create using different styles, but most often will keep to my passion of simplicity..

As a small child I tried many crafts, but found my love for card making, stamping and the occasional layouts many moons ago and well never looked back..

I have blogged now for over 3 years and met the most amazing peeps around the world, I have also worked and designed for many fabulous companies and continue to do so today..

I like to challenge myself in my designs and move out of my comfort zone, in saying that it may not be a nice feeling at the time, but it is good to push yourself in that direction, learning is a great thing..

I live with a great guy who is patient but at times I am sure gnashes his teeth together over the fact that I will leave house work to go craft instead..

He has built all the furniture in my crafty space to be custom to my needs.. There are times when I venture down to see him whilst he is in his own domain, The Shed and ask him in the sweetest voice I have, do you think you could…and before I have finished the sentence he is already saying NO, but with more chatter from me the end result is that he designs the next piece of furniture and builds it..

We live in Australia, in a small country town, in a little cottage that has a picket fence and a garden out the front a brick path and a lavender hedge.. you will hear me refer to this regularly

  • We have Summer’s that I loathe and Winters that I long for every year

  • I love to travel

  • I take photos (that frankly I kind of suck at and am still learning)

  • I spend time with family and friends

  • I love to go out for lunch but in saying that love to be a hermit at home with Darryl

  • I love the beach and love to sit on the sand and watch the waves roll in, they seem to wash the cobwebs away, but I hate getting sand on literally everything

  • I love to garden but find time does not permit much these days, so visiting large gardens seems to be my highlight

  • I love to cook, but hate the clean up

  • I love the chat online with friends around the world and the computer is my life and life line, so not having one I feel as though I am sitting naked (which I might add is not a nice look)

  • I hate to iron clothes

  • I suck at punctuation and grammar, so you will need to forgive me

But most of all I love to craft, I hope you will enjoy spending time in my little corner of the world!!