Elegance! » Simple By Design

Hello everyone! well it has been quite a busy day here at the cottage, based myself in the craft room all day long and have only just ventured out now to grab some dinner..lots of DT assignments completed, always a good feeling…

I decided that whilst in the craft room, I wanted to play with another new item that arrived the other day and make either a engagement or wedding card…

Stamping a background stamp from Penny Black onto pattern paper, embossing with white embossing powder, and adding lots of pearls for elegance, finishing off with a sentiment…

The funny side to this, is that I used quite a lot of pearls on this one card, that I had to order some more..LOL.

Before I head off to grab some dinner, I wanted to share a photo I captured on my iPhone yesterday of our beautiful Autumn trees out the front of our house..I could not believe the colour that they have produced this year…

Oh and on a funny note, I made these cupcakes the other day, just for something different, I don’t always get the opportunity to cook like I would and whilst I was on days off from work I took the opportunity, LOL by the look at some of these wonky cupcakes I need to try and cook more often to regain my skill level again, anyways, the funny thing is I have literally had 4 cupcakes out of the 24 that I had cooked…guess who guts the rest of them??? Yes the one and only Darryl…LOL on that note they must taste alright even if some don’t look that appealing…

Okay, time to head off, have a wonderful night…
