You Are Magic! » Simple By Design

Hi There

Quiet day here at the cottage today, it was just nice to do a few jobs around the house and then I sat and watched a movie, nice to relax before having to head back to work tomorrow..

I have been meaning to share this card I created with Gossamer Blue, On My Desk products, pretty simple card showing more of what can be done with pattern paper, adding a section to the base, with a curved edge, on the curve edge adding wood veneer…The design then allowed me to add something towards the top of the card, using the Circle Scribbles die to cut more pattern paper with a double butterfly, adding more wood veneer to the centre..

This was a card, that I still feel does not cut the muster, but I am sharing it with you all anyways, proves that we all have moments where we doubt our creations…

Darryl and I have just finished dinner, so as this post is written and ready to share with you all, I think it is time to decide whether to go and create or watch another episode of Pie in the Sky..

Have a great night
