Workspace Wednesday! » Simple By Design

Happy Friday!

My 3 days have gone by so quickly, now it is back to work tomorrow, I kind of feel all out of whack to be honest, felt like the last couple of days were the weekend and with Darryl home today it felt even more so…do you ever have a couple days off and forget what day it is?? that is what happen today, thought it was Sunday LOL..

Been crafting up a storm in the little craft room today, lots of DT projects, but will be sure to share a card with you all soon..

To tie you over I thought it might be nice to share with you all my little craft space…

Last Wednesday I had the great pleasure of having my room featured on the Studio Calico blog – Workspace Wednesday feature

(This is the table where I do all my crafting)
I had to clean like a mad woman to be able to take the photos to share…felt great to have it all clean again, there is always something or someone that pushes you into a cleaning frenzy, whether it be a photo shoot or a person coming to stay..makes me get my butt into gear and get it all sorted…

I have to say that it is much more organised now and I actually feel inspired to work in the space..

If you would like to see more of my room, just pop on over to the blog and check it out, word of warning, it is rather a long post and picture heavy 🙂

Hopefully you are inspired to clean yours or you get some great tips on storage…

Have a great start to your weekend..
