Shari’s Tree Number 2! » Simple By Design

Happy weekend!

Crafted up a storm yesterday and lots to share with you over the next few days…with having the the time yesterday to just sit and colour I decided to put my blinkers on to the house work and just craft for the felt good, but of course the house work at some stage over the weekend will have to be achieved 🙂

One of the stamps I got to play with yesterday was a Boutique Line from Hero Arts that my sweet friend Shari design, when these little trees were released I was like OMG! I have to have them, I was so excited and I was even more elated for Shari that she had her own set designed..

So yesterday’s play time lead me to making my first Christmas card of 2013, SCARY!!! beyond words, I mean wasn’t it just like yesterday that I created and sent off over a 100 cards for Christmas and now I see that it is just around the corner once again…seems like part of my holidays will be creating batches of Christmas cards ready to be mailed when the time comes..

I decided with Shari’s Tree Number 2 that I would create with non traditional colours and go with a pink look with a touch of grey..

Lots of bling, colouring, stamping and well more bling, I even stamped out a sentiment in a colour that wasn’t my normal go to black…

I think this would make a great card to create mass production and may just be one of the designs that I use this coming year…

Right well I am off to do a couple of jobs and then Darryl and I are off to our local Show…

Have a great day!
