January Gossamer Blue Shares! » Simple By Design


Almost the end of the week, grateful for that, it has been a long week and even more so knowing Darryl has been on holidays and I have had to be at work, always find that harder, but we get the weekend together and that will mean more gardening and also crafting hopefully..

I also need to apologise with everything going on last year towards the later part anyways, I wasn’t able to share the full reveal of my Gossamer Blue creations, but hopefully this will be a better year to stay on top of everything..

So without further ado, here are my January shares..

I chose to create cards with the Main, Life Pages and Life Pages Themed Kits, creating a feminine and masculine feel cards for Valentines..I hope that you find some inspiration..there are still kits available and of course you can always sign up for monthly subscription..

Short and sweet today, need to head out into the garden again and start again now that we both have had lunch, before I head to work again..

Have a great day!
