Inspired by a Layout! » Simple By Design

Hello everyone!

To all my blog readers that pop in here regularly and maybe don’t follow me on social media, I have been away from this neck of the woods for awhile, my poor Mum had a nasty fall due to her Parkinson’s and sadly broke her wrist, so I have taken leave from work to be with her and look after her until we are past this wrist, then we can jump more hurdles then…

She is doing okay, but is annoyed with herself for doing such a thing and also for now not being able to do much at all, but I am here and trying my best to keep her spirits up and try to get her independence back again, all be it very hard at times..

Thankfully work has been exceptionally good and patient, I work with a great team of people that always put family first in situations like this, I am grateful..

You may see me around from time to time, but maybe not quite as much as before, due to the fact of where my Mum lives, there is limited internet access, today I am sitting on the front verandah, in the nice sun after some much needed rain the last 2 days, seems to be the only place I can access internet service, so I am happy that it is nice and sunny..

So with that being said and letting you know why my absence, how about some sharing…

First up, I am honoured to be apart of this amazing group of women chosen to work with Gossamer Blue for another term, some of them you may recognise from last year and some are newbies that I am looking forward to working with..

Speaking of Gossamer Blue, I am up over there today sharing how I was inspired to create a card from a layout, so if you get a chance to check it out, head on over HERE..

Whilst sitting here, I have taken the opportunity to do some surfing around some blogs and thought I would share some of my favs I have encountered, go check them out, super inspiring..

  • Melania, sweet…
  • Always love Laura’s colourful cards, HERE..
  • THIS canvas from Shari blew my mind, video to watch..
  • Debby’s talent always makes my jaw drop, love these blocked leaves cards, HERE
  • Kay’s work is always a WOW! I loved this Panda card..
  • Older post, but I loved THIS card from Kimberly….
  • Um, WOW! HERE..
  • If you love Mixed Media, I am sure you will love THIS as much as me…

Okay, hope this post see’s you all well and that you are having a nice day, I am off to catch up on some crafting whilst Mum has a nap..

Have a great day!
