Holly Jolly! » Simple By Design

Well hello!!

Yep been MIA, I cannot believe it has been like 2 weeks since I last posted…life in the retail sector is getting rather busy as is home life and so time is limited, hence sad as it is for me, crafting takes the back seat…

I am back with a second post for Penny Black and another video for you all..

I chose to do another water colour Christmas card, I had a lot of questions on You Tube asking me how I ended up with the pearl shine on the card, the water colour set you see below has some fun colours to this set, including the pearl and a nice gold, the pearl is so beautiful in real life when used and it may be a slightly expensive set, but it is so worth the price, this will last you a long time and it will owe you nothing..

I hope you enjoy the video and as always I will have links below as to what I used to create this card..

Here is a look at the card..

Hoping to be back with one last Penny Black post, lets see how I go, may need a cheering squad to get me there 🙂

Have a great day and I will be back later with another post..
