Hello Sunday! » Simple By Design

Hi there

It is time for another Hello Sunday and I hope that this post will bring a little sunshine in your day!

First up today is a card I created and wanted to share with you all, I sat and crafted long distance over phone last night with a friend and although I would love to be able to be in the same room as her this was the next best thing..

I wanted to sit and colour and just relax, so I pulled out some Clearly Besotted stamps and because I adore Hippos I chose to colour up my Rainy Day Play with some Polychromos..

I added my little images to a white panel that I blended some Sunflower Ink and Memento Tuxedo ink to create a background..

Once I was happy with the look of the blending I took a white gel pen and added raindrops and then added my images..

I finished this card by stamping a sentiment and adding a few enamel dots…

Now, onto some sharing of some amazing artists again..

The first one that I wish to share with you is my Team Mate over at MFT, Francine Vuilleme, what can I say about this amazing lady, she is super kind, sweet and well her skills are just mind blowing, she thinks outside the box with stamp images and well her colouring is just as beautiful, her detail to shadows and depth is something I aspire each day..

Francine’s Blog, Instagram

My next artist is yet another person I had the pleasure of working with when I designed for Pretty Pink Posh, Marge, is yet another artist who I admire, with her watercolouring skills are just jaw dropping, I can only hope I can achieve that level of ability, she is so super sweet and so be sure to head over and send some love..

Marge’s Blog, Instagram

I will be back again next Sunday with yet another post, for now enjoy your Sunday and perusing these lovely artists blogs etc..
