Hello Friend! » Simple By Design

Hi there

On holidays at present and I have so much to get done, I want to craft but would you believe I haven’t in like ages, so hence why I haven’t really been around sharing with you all..

However, never fear I do have a couple of cards I have not gotten around to sharing with you all..

On this card I used old and new product…I don’t know about you, but I find the industry moves way too fast producing lots of lovely goodies, of course I wish I owned that money tree like everyone and could have a massive craft room to store it in also, but that is not the case…

Those moments when you look through your goodies that most likely don’t exist in shops anymore but you still wish to use them, well that was one of those moments..I have some of the chipboard stickers from Maggie Holmes first collection with Crate Paper called Signature and it was the perfect pair when using my new Kelly Purkey stamp sets..

On this card I really didn’t want the stamped images to be too much in the background, so focusing on using different coloured inks from Studio Calico, Color Theory family to bring them to be more of a highlight on the card..

I stamped out the border stamp from the I Love You More than Donuts along the bottom edge of the card stock, using Color Theory, Glass Slipper, a very faint soft touch, then on scrap piece of card stock I stamped out a tag from the Sending Smiles along with the Hello Friend from the same set, trimming them out and collaging with some chipboard stickers and a scattering of enamel dots to bring the card together..

Well just popping in quickly today, must get to a bit of house cleaning done and then hopefully I can try and have a play in the craft room later before heading out to an appointment..

Have a fabulous day and thanks always for stopping by..
