Happy Moments! » Simple By Design


I lay here in bed with the house really quiet, so nice to be able to take those moments and relax..

So whilst I lay here I am taking a moment to share a blog post with you all…as you are all aware if you have been reading along over the last few days, I have struggled to find my mojo, although cards have been coming together and I am happy with them, I am frustrated over how long they are taking to produce let alone how much I am throwing in the bin..

With that said, I decided it was time to pull out parts of collections and see if that would help me gain back some, I also felt it was high time to stop hoarding things as with CHA looming I know I will be purchasing more goodies and well my little room right now is busting at the seams..

Taking out some Crate Paper, Maggie Holmes Signature collection, I went to town adding soft layers of pattern paper, toning down the back piece by using a piece of vellum that I had sewn around..

I added a few little elements like a sweet chipboard camera, a die cut Chrissy Butterfly from Simon Says Stamp, wording that I had cut from one of the pattern papers along with another chipboard element and lastly finished with a stamped sentiment also from Simon Says Stamp..

I must say that I am in love with this card, I just keep starring at it, so I am hoping with bated breath that mojo is back!

I must start to make the move of getting myself up and out of bed and start to take down the Christmas tree along with the millions of other jobs I need to complete today…

May you all have a fabulous day!
