Happy Birthday! » Simple By Design

Hi there

Happy Monday to you all, I hope you all had a truly wonderful weekend and that today wasn’t too tiring for you all..

Having rather a quiet day here again today, have done some jobs this morning and have read through all the lovely comments that have been left on my blog, I have to say that you guys really are the highlight of my day, I truly love reading everyone of them…I must go and do the same and pass some love on, so as soon as I have written this post, I will be doing so..thank you everyone that comes past and takes the time to leave the love, really is so appreciated..

Today is a little special, as it is Darryl’s birthday today, although we won’t be spending his day together we did manage to celebrate it at the weekend, I cooked one of his favourite meals, which happens to be Pork Roast and Veg, he was happy, I know he is hard at work today, so I am sure he will be looking forward to having a beer in hand at the end of it 🙂

I managed to create yet another boat themed card using the Simon Says Stamp July Card Kit..I have said it many times that I adore nautical themed cards, so this kit was so me..

I chose to use the little die and create a small shaker feature on the card, using pattern paper die cut circle feature, adding Pretty Pink Posh sequins, I then added this to a piece of white card stock, that had another strip of pattern paper at the base, some twine and the little anchor paperclip that were from the kit…finishing off with a birthday sentiment..

Super simple but effective and I have to say that the little shaker element was kind fun to create..here is a close up view..

Happy birthday to my lovely man, I know he won’t read this post, but I do hope he had a great day and enjoy’s his beer 🙂

Well that is me, so I will sign off and go do some commenting..

Have a fabulous day!
