Gossamer Blue September Shares! » Simple By Design


These days seem to be zooming by, I feel as though I am chasing my tail of late and cannot fit enough into my days or should I say, not enough hours and I am sure we all feel like this some days 🙂

One of the things I have been meaning to catch up on is my September Kit projects for Gossamer Blue…so here I sit tonight a little weary but determined to post my shares with you all and let you all know there are still some kits available, so if you are thinking of signing up then don’t hesitate..

So these first 2 cards were created with the Life Pages Add On 3, so in love with that deer, seriously if there is a deer in a collection I always know it has to end up on a card, so with this first 1, I added a collage around the deer head..me love 🙂

This second card, I share how easy it is to collage together around a Project Life card, I picked out some pieces to suit the colour scheme and before I knew it, there was a baby card..simple and sweet and hey look there is little Bambi, it looks so much like Bambi right LOL even though it was on the tag 🙂

My last card, was centred around the camera chipboard, all pieces from Add On Kit 2, strangely enough the bottom of the pattern paper contained the days of the week and I chopped them up and figured it was the perfect fit..

So there you have my kit projects for this month, I will be back on the 15th for the Inspiration Blog Hop and at the end of the month I have a video share featuring the Life Pages kit, I hope you will pop by the blog and check that out too..

Thanks for popping by today..
