Gossamer Blue May Blog Hop! » Simple By Design

Hello there

Last month I was not able to participate in the inspiration blog hop for Gossamer Blue, due to going away on holidays, but I am back again this month along with the rest of the team to share some inspiration for you all, using the May Kits..which by the way some are still up for purchasing..

You should have arrived from Jill’s blog..if not you can check out the master list HERE..

I chose to layer up several pattern papers, adding little additions, like the beautiful gold paper clip and word sentiment stickers, true love you may say, to give to a loved one, the only other additions to this card were the wood veneer hearts and camera, can I just say EEEEEPPPP! super cute and this girl loves her wood veneer 🙂

Here is a close up of the card that I created..

Okay, time to jump on over to Katie’s blog to see what she has installed for you all..

For those of you working or just receiving your May kits, I hope you have super fun creating with them all and to those sitting on the fence about purchasing, you are Mad not to get you hands on these, they are brilliant..

Have a great day! It is night time here and I am about to lay my little head down for some much needed sleep..
