Gossamer Blue Inspirtaion Blog Hop! » Simple By Design

Hi there!

Something fun to share today, the team over at Gossamer Blue have decided to share some more inspiration using October kits in the form of a blog hop…

So you will see an array of all crafting projects on this hop, something to suit everyone..

You should have arrived from Jill Keller’s amazing blog…if by chance you have lost your way you can head over the Gossamer Blue main blog to see the master list HERE..

To inspire you and get you in the mood for Halloween, I created a Halloween card, when creating my DT work for the month of October so many kits to choose from, I never got the opportunity to create with the Life Pages Themed Add On and I suppose another thing, is sadly us Australian’s don’t really celebrate Halloween, it has started to creep in but not like my fellow US friends..

I love that I can always adapt at using Journal cards from these fabulous kits on my card creations, usually using them as a base for adding other additional elements, like I did on this card, all used from this kit, apart from a little bit of bling that I just had to add, which were the sequins..

Gossamer Blue kits for me are always so inspirational, I love that a lot of the products match so well and are super easy to create with, not to mention so many gorgeous products are contained in the kits also, not that I am trying to enable you, but they are so worth the look and possibly the signing up *wink* LOL…

What is even better this month, there are some goodies that you can still get your hands on to create with, just take a look below, if you want to know more just click on each photo and it will take you directly to the details on website…

It is now time to head on over to the talented Katie Ehmann….

Thanks for taking the time to hop along today and see loads of inspiration, that hopefully are inspiring you to create..
