Getting to Know Me – Tag! » Simple By Design

Hello happy Monday

So I have a bit of a different post today…I have been tagged by the lovely, super creative and well organised Michelle Short, you may know the name of her blog The Card Grotto..

This is rather a different blog hop, one where you don’t necessarily have to create cards, just have to answer a few questions, that becomes the part of Getting to Know Me 🙂

I want to thank Michelle for tagging me, if you have never had the opportunity to travel over to her blog, well there is a must, she is amazing artist, she is one of the sweetest peeps in the industry that of recently I have had the great pleasure of getting to know, her videos are exceptional too and you can view her You Tube Channel HERE

Let’s get started on the questions shall we..

What creative projects are you currently working on?

Well for me I have been working hard on DT projects, namely at present, Gossamer Blue and La-La Land Crafts cards…just recently joining the fabulous team over at Gossamer Blue, I get to work with some amazing kits each month, below in the picture you will notice some sneaks from the September Kits that will be coming into view soon, these also happen to be some of my favourite picks..

I am also working on some new release projects for La-La Land Crafts that I will be hopefully sharing next week with you all, so stay tuned for that 🙂

What inspires your designs?

Well so many things inspire me, mostly other different talented card makers out there around blog world, but really for me there is loads of things that inspire me, Pinterest for example has loads of inspiration for me and I pin quite frequently to get those juices flowing, here is a look at what I have been pinning lately…

Pinning some December Daily inspiration, not sure if I will be tackling that this year, but always good for inspiration and also to start planning out those Christmas cards, that really the time is starting to loom upon us..

What method/process do you apply to each of your creative projects and how long does each project take to complete?

For me I don’t generally have a method or process, I suppose if I was going to say a method, then I would have to say that I like a lot of space and what I mean by that is I love to use a lot of white on my cards, I love the simplicity and CAS look, but I do love to add layers, but in my own CAS style…now how long does it take for me to complete a project, well depends really on what I am working on and if the mojo is in it’s current form of good 🙂 I can create anything from a 15 minute card to maybe an hour, all depends…

If you had to describe your signature style, what would it be?

Well a pretty easy answer for me, it would definitely be CAS, I really love the look as I said in previous answer, a lot of white space, I do love to collage also, so I tend to swing between the both, but mostly it is the CAS style…

What three crafting tools/products can you not live without?

Well that is hard, narrowing down is always hard..for me it would definitely be White Card Stock, Ink, Stamps..but then I would need a paper trimmer and embellishments, but then again I couldn’t be without my computer either, so does that count as a tool LOL, my list is endless, I would just have to take my craft room where ever I would go…

Who shall I tag?

As this is a blog hop of a different kind, I decided to go with 2 people that I admire greatly of late, 2 people that have talent beyond words and 2 beautiful people in the industry that couldn’t be more kinder and generous…

I adore both their styles and artistry, something that I strive in my own style and work, 2 people I look up to greatly and hope one day I shall meet 🙂

The first of those ladies is..

Melania Deasy

You only have to look at the above card and your jaw would hit the ground, I mean talent or what??? whatever Melania turns her hand at creatively turns out to be a masterpiece, she inspires me in so many ways. Melania, owns her own digital line of stamps, which you can view HERE, she is also apart of many great teams, The Twinery and The Cutting Edge..she truly ROCKS!

The other fabulous lady that I wish to tag is..

Dawn Woleslagle

What can I say about Dawn, she is one of the sweetest, caring, kind, AMAZINGLY talented and beautiful people in this industry, she is the owner of WPlus9 and her stamp, die, ink and card stock line is a WOW!! Most of all, if you have not had the chance to witness Dawn’s water colouring ability, well you are missing out, she makes it looks so easy and inspires you to grab those water colours and paint away, to view her videos just go HERE….when I first saw Dawn water colour, it opened up a whole new world for me, one that I thought I would never be able to tackle, but with her teaching ability and sharing of her amazing talents, it has become fun…I have to admit I am a bit of a stalker when it comes to her You Tube Channel, waiting to see the next line up of artistry from her..

I am blessed to have gotten to know these 2 ladies and I thank each of them being apart of my life, love of craft and thank them for taking their time to blog hop along, thank you both Melania and Dawn, you are both such lovely ladies xx

Be sure to stay tune to their blogs, the following week, they will be sharing their Getting to Know Me posts..

Thanks for stopping by today and reading a little more about me..

Have a great day, I will be back later tonight to share a new creation for the week..
