Get Happy! » Simple By Design

Hello my friends

So I have a quick card share for you today, at the weekend, I tried with much strain to get some more mojo back and even though yes I produced a card, it is just taking way too long for me to create, I think I am trying too hard now to find my rhythm again, anyway I know you have read this situation so many times, I just got hope it returns and soon..

So I finally got a chance to dive into Gossamer Blue new collections and because Christmas is looming I chose to create with the Get Happy collection, it really does make you feel happy looking at all the yummy goodies..

Going with a simple format and know I love that Deer stamp, I wanted it to be the feature, so I trimmed down some Wonderful Life pattern paper (woodgrain look) and stamped and embossed with white embossing powder, I then added some wood veneer features and finished off by backing this pattern paper with Plaid Tidings to give an extra colourful feel..

Super easy and really you could mass produce these types of cards..

I am looking forward to bringing you more creations with these collections from Gossamer Blue and also December Kits, sadly the post stuffed up my November kits, so I have not been able to share anything this month for you all…

Hope you all have a fabulous day with lots of smiles..
