Colour Palette! » Simple By Design

Happy Good Friday!

I trust you have all had a wonderful day, as Darryl and I have had…

Hobbling into Mum’s house we sat to share with loads of family beautiful fish some of which Darryl had caught in the river and loads of gorgeous yummy salad..

It was such a relaxing day and good for the soul to be with family, having lots of laughs and catch up time..

Since having my leg out of action, there has been lots of sitting doing practically nothing, so the crafty side of things has been quite put to the side, but tonight I was itching to craft, so I did pop in there to do just that, but made sure to sit at the table to do so 🙂 but it felt so good!

Getting back to basics with crafting and not having to think about things is a great change, so I decided to not only follow along with some sketches that MFT have provided, but also create with the Colour Palette Challenge

I have to say that this colour palette was a challenge for me..I found the green was the curve ball in my creating LOL and I am still not 100% sure about this creation, but fun to try and stretch me as an artist..

I did want to use one of my latest products that have hit the craft room, which was the Hybrid Camellia Flower die and it is so pretty to use, I am sure I will be back purchasing more of these similar dies, I also got to finally get around to using more of the Simon Says Stamp card stock and ooh pure yumminess..

I am choosing to try and do a wee little more crafting this weekend and yes sitting at the table to do so 🙂

I do hope that you enjoy your time with family and friends today and if you are traveling to visit, please be safe!
