Boxing Day! » Simple By Design


I really hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and a lovely relaxing Boxing Day as we have had here..

Today, was a day for left overs, still eating all that yummy Christmas food and for a day of nothings really, tried to start the big job of going through all 7000 emails, purely a lot to just delete, I seem to be very lazy at deleting the ones I don’t need when they come through, yes I am bad, so seeing as I was just laying around I have so far manage to delete 2000 of them, so a big job, but I am determined to get through them 🙂

I also spent time organising in the craft room, more cleaning up after my disastrous effort of getting Christmas cards out in the mail, this I failed at miserably and failed also at my December Daily, so I am starting fresh next year and hopefully I will be able to get this all completed 🙂

Once, I finished doing all these jobs, I sat to craft and boy, where in the heck did that mojo go, did it leave with Santa LOL, I mean I have never had a card take me so long to complete, but I did manage to get one done.

Sitting back to look at it, I thought it was quite fitting, with the little added piece of sparkle with the glitter and a simple thanks as the sentiment, I really thought this would be even perfect for those of you that like to send out those thank you cards after Christmas…

I added a Tiny Coin Envelope, die cut from Vellum,  sewing thread behind the glitter circle and then a Chrissy die cut butterfly out of some pattern paper..

Feeling as though the card was really plain, I added splashes of Clover Mr Huey’s Mist and some enamel dots..

So that is all from me today..
