Bear Hugz – Video » Simple By Design


Well the last 24hrs has certainly been an interesting one, I have been trying to create a video for you all to view, (insert, shock horror)..

A couple of months ago my computer died, had to purchase a new one, hence everything on Mac had updated, so I had to get used to a new iMovie, that I could handle, it was the other, where the AVCHD file from my camcorder, my Mac or should I say iMovie would not accept it, so then I had to purchase a program that would convert it so I could edit, money I did not really wish to spend…I finally by almost midnight last night had it all edited for just the voice over this morning, no my computer decided to shut down..insert tearing hair out and ranting episode..loaded it again and finally edit done and loaded to You Tube, I just had to laugh as upon 1 min to finish loading to You Tube my modem decided to shut down, seriously!!! Maybe it is a matter that I don’t do nearly enough of them to be more efficient with them, who knows, but well there is the story to this video..

Okay, how about a little share now 🙂 I used the Abby’s Spring Showers from Simon Says Stamp, coloured the images in with my Zig Clean Color Real Brush Markers, full list of supplies at the base of this post…sit back and grab a cuppa and watch the process…

Thanks for watching, I hope it inspired you and that I did not bore you to death 🙂

Have a great day!
