Balloon Happiness! » Simple By Design

Happy Tuesday to you all!

What are holidays for, but to still lie in bed until almost 11.30am, yep that is right, that is where I am at present…enjoying breakfast in bed and catch up on computer before I decide to wrench myself from the softness of my bed and have a shower I thought that I would pop in here and share a quick card, that you may have seen already…

This card I created for World Card Making Day for Basic Grey…using a lots of goodies from the What’s Up collection..

Well, this is a really short blog post, but wanted to share some inspiration for you all today…

Time I think to get this body to the shower…

Be sure to check back in tomorrow as I will have not 1but 2 blog posts for you and something a little exciting…

Have a great day!


Thanks so Much!Simon Says Exclusives!
