Postcards! » Simple By Design


Haven’t had much time in the craft room of late, but that isn’t for the lack of not wanting to craft, we have a new family member, I announced this a couple of weeks ago and figured it was time to share our news here on my blog for those that may not follow me elsewhere..

Please welcome our new little bundle Bentley…

When we lost Roly last year, it just about broke me in two and I think there will always be times where I miss him incredibly, but I am sure that Roly had a part in helping us choose, well at least I would like to think so…our first little boy we chose, sadly passed away and we both thought that we were not destined to have another dog, but then a black labrador Mum gave birth to 3 healthy golden boys and we knew that we were meant to have this little one come into our world..

He has grown even over the last couple of weeks, giving cheek and back chatting and really coming alive with his own personality, puppy stage is hard, the sleepless nights, the going to the toilet by myself I feel is over as I have a constant companion LOL and a constant little shadow, but it is so worth it..I know our boy Roly would approve 🙂

Now that I have introduced him to you all, how about a card share.

I have been meaning to share some of my latest cards that I created for Darkroom Door, I know I did share one with you, but figured it really is time to share the next..

This one was probably my favourite, as I love anything travel and postal, so when Rachel designed the Postcards Texture stamp I was so pleased to have it in my hot hands and from there I whipped up this card..

There are so many new stamps in this latest release, if you haven’t had a chance to check them out you can do so HERE..

Well I am off to check on Bentley..

Have a great night!
